The choice of paint used is critical for the longevity of exterior signs. Keep in mind that a sign will be exposed to the elements year after year through a range of extreme conditions. Adhering to a strict application process using catalyzed automotive exterior primers and paints with ultraviolet ray inhibitors will provide optimum durability for the finish. The use of non-catalyzed paints or improper preparation of the raw materials can result in lifting, oxidation or rust. Once this happens, breakdown occurs which always results in expensive repairs. We have also found that the chemical crosslink of acrylic polyurethane enamel enables us to remove graffiti caused by vandals (tagging) more easily.
Garrett Sign finishes all its exterior signs exclusively with Matthews Paint. Matthews is the leader in paint for the sign industry. Using the color match database we can mix exact colors in house by drawing from over 50,000 formulas of most major paint manufacturers. The system also offers matching formulas for most graphic vinyls and PMS colors that are commonly used by designers and architects.
In the event a formula is not already in the system, a color sample can be sent to Matthews. Their staff will then formulate and return the color to us immediately. Matthews offers the most comprehensive, accurate, pre-matched selection of corporate colors currently available. A range of additives is also available to produce textures for a specific appearance.
When the paint has been applied to your sign, the formula is then archived in the production file so that in the event of any future damage, repairs can be made with an exact color match.
State and city code as well as Underwriters Laboratories listing standards requires all licensed sign companies to present a manufacturers label on each of their signs. Reading these labels and comparing the paint finishes enables you to compare the quality of the overall product from company to company; this can be useful in your decision making process.
While the design of a sign is important in beginning the project correctly, the paint process is the finishing touch that will help protect your investment for years to come.